
游刃有余所向披靡 勞斯萊斯庫里南全球發(fā)布

    更新時(shí)間:2018-05-16 12:54  

10 May 2018, Goodwood


#RollsRoyceCullinan #effortlesseverywhere

#勞斯萊斯庫里南 #游刃有余所向披靡

“The super-luxury lifestyleis evolving and Rolls-Royce is in the lead. Luxury is no longer an urbanconcept. More and more it is about embracing and experiencing the wider world.Our customers expect to go everywhere in luxury, effortlessly and withoutcompromise, conquering the most challenging terrain to enjoy life’s mostenriching experiences, wherever they may be. For this reason, they have askedus to create a Rolls-Royce that offers uncompromised luxury wherever they dareto venture. Cullinan is that car. It is Effortless, Everywhere.


It is incomparable anddramatically evolves the parameters of super-luxury travel, translatingRolls-Royce’s ethos of ‘Effortlessness’ into physical capability, anywhere inthe world. Cullinan will simply take the world in its stride.”


Torsten Müller-Ötvös, Chief Executive Officer, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

勞斯萊斯汽車首席執(zhí)行官托斯頓·穆勒·烏特弗斯(Torsten Müller-Ötvös



“The launch of a newRolls-Royce model is always a seminal moment in the luxury industry. Today weare setting a new standard by creating a new class of motoring and motor carfor customers who are well-connected, highly mobile and have a globalperspective. They want a new type of motor car that gives them unbounded accessin ultimate luxury. Their sense of adventure and daring demands a “go-anywherein ultimate luxury” motor car that will both take them to and meet them at thepinnacle of life. Cullinan is that motor-car.”


Peter Schwarzenbauer, Chairman of Rolls-Royce and Member of the Board ofthe BMW Group.

寶馬集團(tuán)董事,負(fù)責(zé)MINI品牌、勞斯萊斯品牌、摩托車業(yè)務(wù),以及寶馬集團(tuán)客戶參與及數(shù)字化業(yè)務(wù)創(chuàng)新蕭紳博 (Peter Schwarzenbauer)

“From the very beginningthe design team treated this brand new Rolls-Royce as a unique, high bodiedcar. With global customer expectations in mind, our aim was two-fold – realisea presence to match the magnificent capability of Cullinan, whilst setting sectordefining standards for luxury and elegance. We know that many of our luxurypatrons pursue sports or leisure hobbies that require precisely this type of goanywhere vehicle – Cullinan’s design gesture had to possess an immediate senseof effortless accomplishment.”


“The label SUV is now applied to anything witha two-box silhouette and the least suggestion of going off tarmac. Weenvisioned an authentic, three-box high-bodied all-terrain car with aconvention-challenging design and absolute capability that would satisfy theadventurous urges of our clients.”



Giles Taylor, Director ofDesign, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars.

勞斯萊斯汽車有限公司設(shè)計(jì)總監(jiān)賈爾斯·泰勒(Giles Taylor

“This landscape is savage, but this journeyhas been seamless. What's unique is the ability to absorb the road withoutthought and simply let yourself get lost. You don't somuch drive as you floatand it seems to get almost smoother the faster you go. The turning and the gripare unreal, almost hugging the road and seeming to glide above it. Sometimesmaking pictures is as much about getting there as it is about the imageitself.”


Cory Richards, NationalGeographic photographer and star of The Final Challenge.

《美國國家地理》攝影師,勞斯萊斯庫里南終極挑戰(zhàn)探險(xiǎn)家克里·理查茲(Cory Richards


Cullinan at a glance



The most anticipated car of 2018 and, quite possibly, the most anticipated Rolls-Royce of all time. 2018年最受期待的車型,可能也是截至目前最受期待的勞斯萊斯車型。

Named after the largestdiamond ever discovered which now resides in the British Crown Jewels. 勞斯萊斯庫里南以迄今為止發(fā)現(xiàn)的體積最大的鉆石命名,該鉆石目前鑲嵌在英國王室皇冠之上。


An all-terrain high-bodied car that makes the idea of authentic, luxury off-road travel a reality for the first time. Luxury travel is now Effortless, Everywhere. 純正的奢華越野體驗(yàn)首次通過全地形高車身車型實(shí)現(xiàn)。自此,奢華陸上旅行可以游刃有余地?zé)o所不至。


Contemporary and functional design ensures Cullinan gains iconic status in the face of increasingly bland SUV designs. 現(xiàn)代而實(shí)用的設(shè)計(jì)讓勞斯萊斯庫里南在愈加同質(zhì)化的SUV車型中卓然拔群。

The first “three-box” car in the SUV-sector. Cullinan’s rear partition wall creates a distinct environment for passengers, separated from the luggage compartment. SUV車型中首款三廂車型。勞斯萊斯庫里南后車廂獨(dú)特設(shè)計(jì)的分隔屏為乘客打造了獨(dú)一無二的乘坐區(qū),與行李廂完全隔離。

The most practical ofRolls-Royces. Cullinan is the most versatile, family oriented, fun-to-drivesuper-luxury SUV available today. 作為勞斯萊斯汽車家族實(shí)用性最強(qiáng)大的車型,勞斯萊斯庫里南是當(dāng)今市場(chǎng)上充分兼具功能性、家庭性和駕駛樂趣的唯一超級(jí)奢華SUV。

The second new Rolls-Royce to sit on the all-new aluminium ‘Architecture of Luxury’, Cullinan is the most technologically advanced, and only purpose-built, luxury SUV in the world. 作為第二款采用全新鋁制“奢華架構(gòu)”的勞斯萊斯車型,勞斯萊斯庫里南是全球技術(shù)最先進(jìn)、唯一特制的超級(jí)奢華SUV。

Tested to destruction all over the planet, Cullinan is an incredibly capable off-roader that sees the development of the ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ for off-road enjoyment, without sacrificing any Rolls-Royce on-road behaviour. 歷經(jīng)近乎毀壞式的全球嚴(yán)苛測(cè)試后,勞斯萊斯庫里南展現(xiàn)了卓越的越野性能——勞斯萊斯專有的公路特性盡數(shù)保留,更為越野的樂趣帶來“魔毯般駕乘體驗(yàn)”。

Cullinan offers a suite of Bespoke features developed specifically for the many various lifestyles of its owners including the Viewing Suite and the Recreation Module. 勞斯萊斯庫里南擁有一系列Bespoke高級(jí)定制的功能,以滿足車主多樣的生活方式,比如獨(dú)一無二的攬景坐席,以及勞斯萊斯庫里南的休旅套件。


The 6.75 litre twin-turbo V12 Rolls-Royce enginedelivers 563bhp/420kW and 850Nm/627lb ft of torque to the all-new all-wheeldrive, all-wheel steer system needed to overcome any challenge. 勞斯萊斯6.75升雙渦輪增壓V12發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)可輸出563英制馬力/420千瓦的動(dòng)力,最高扭矩可達(dá)850牛米/627磅英尺。澎湃動(dòng)力讓這臺(tái)全輪驅(qū)動(dòng)的全新車型不懼任何挑戰(zhàn)。



A century-long pedigree ofadventurous quests and campaigns successfully carried out across all terrainsthanks to the luxury offered by a stout vehicle that was swift, stealthy anddependable.  “A Rolls in the desert isabove rubies” – T.E. Lawrence. 如此靈活、安靜、可靠的車型所帶來的奢華駕乘體驗(yàn),讓百年的探險(xiǎn)與征服傳奇在任何地形得以延續(xù)。“沙漠中的勞斯萊斯汽車價(jià)值連城。”——T.E. 勞倫斯



When Rolls-Royce announcedthree years ago that it would launch Cullinan, it did so in the knowledge thatits customers around the world had asked it to build “The Rolls-Royce of SUVs”,with luxury, performance and usability not seen before in the SUV market. Manyof these customers were younger, very successful high-net-worth individuals whoare heavily engaged in the experience economy, and wanted a Rolls-Royce thatwould take them to the ends of the Earth in ultimate luxury.


Automotive mobility hasalways been a fast moving and dynamic business, with new concepts – such asSUVs – appearing with great regularity. But those new concepts need to beperfected in order to be adopted by those customers who will accept nocompromise – the patrons of true luxury. Hence the Rolls-Royce Cullinan.


“Historyset our precedent, and today Rolls-Royce answers its call to action,” commentsMüller-Ötvös. “Our answer to the visionaries,adventurers, explorers and those who believe in the supremacy of liberty is theRolls-Royce Cullinan.”

“歷史為照,今天,勞斯萊斯汽車眾望所歸,” 穆勒·烏特弗斯說,“面對(duì)歷史,面對(duì)先輩,以及那些英勇的冒險(xiǎn)家、探險(xiǎn)者、自由至上的崇拜者,我們以全新勞斯萊斯庫里南作答。”

What is Cullinan?



TheRolls-Royce Cullinan is Rolls-Royce as it’s never seen before. When Sir Henry Royce said,“Strive for perfection in everything you do. Take the best that exists and makeit better. When it does not exist, design it”, he could have had Cullinan inmind.

勞斯萊斯庫利南是一款全新的、截然不同的勞斯萊斯車型。正如亨利·萊斯(Henry Royce)爵士所說:“做每件事都力臻完美,將最好變得更好,如果沒有就去創(chuàng)造。”勞斯萊斯庫里南正是在這樣的品牌精神指引下誕生的杰作。

“We knew we had to offerour clients what they couldn’t find in the SUV market,” continues Müller-Ötvös. “They do not acceptlimitations or compromises in their lives. They are the new pioneers, and forthem it’s about their sense of adventure and daring in how they live theirexperiences. This approach to life demands a motor car that can go-anywhere inultimate luxury and style – Rolls-Royce style. Hence Cullinan.”

“我們很清楚,我們必須為客戶提供他們?cè)诂F(xiàn)有SUV市場(chǎng)找不到的東西,”勞斯萊斯汽車有限公司首席執(zhí)行官托斯頓·穆勒·烏特弗斯(Torsten Müller-Ötvös)解釋說,“我們的客戶不希望他們的生活和生活方式被設(shè)限,或是作出妥協(xié)。我們的客戶是新的開拓者,對(duì)他們而言重要的是人生體驗(yàn)中的冒險(xiǎn)精神和大膽無畏。這種生活態(tài)度呼喚一輛“無處不可及的頂級(jí)奢華”汽車——這正是勞斯萊斯汽車的風(fēng)范。我們的庫里南應(yīng)運(yùn)而生。”

Itwas clear that these new, younger and more adventurous customers wanted aRolls-Royce that would take them completely off the beaten track and rewardthem with life’s most enriching experiences. What they didn’t want was avehicle as ubiquitous as an SUV with compromises such as increased cabin noisedue to the “two-box” formula; shared platforms that affect performance andcomfort; the choice of being good either on-road or off-road; or a lower, morefeatureless SUV that blends in and becomes just another car.


“Cullinan is luxury in itspurest form blended with perfect practicality and off-road capability,”comments Müller-Ötvös. “Effortless, Everywhere isnot just the promise behind Cullinan. It’s the fact.”


Making luxury Effortless, Everywhere engendered anevolution in Rolls-Royce’s approach to creating an authentic Rolls-Royce SUV.The most obvious sign of this was the radical rear of Cullinan.


For the first time aRolls-Royce has an opening tailgate, called ‘The Clasp’. In a nod to the erawhen luggage was mounted on the exterior of the motor-car, so the occupants didnot travel with their belongings, the rear profile of Cullinan is a two-part, ‘D-Back’format, with the bustle denoting the place of the luggage. ‘The Clasp’ opensand closes in its two sections automatically at the touch of the key fobbutton.


Therear passenger compartment of Cullinan has been designed to offer the best seatin the house for the owner’s particular needs. Two rear configurations areoffered – Lounge Seats or Individual Seats.


The rear seats also folddown – a first for Rolls-Royce. The seats fold electrically in a number ofconfigurations by pressing the appropriate button in the boot or rear doorpocket. One press sees each backrest effortlessly fold down, whist at the sametime moving the headrests upwards to avoid making an imprint on the seatcushion. Both seat backs can be folded completely, creating a flat load area orin a 2/3 and 1/3 split, increasing practicality even further. Rear passengerscan still travel with a long load, or use the carpeted seat back as anoccasional table on which to rest their precious personal items.


Therear of Cullinan offers a large amount of space in different arrangements. The rear compartment orboot area offers a standard 560 litres of space, growing to 600 with the parcelshelf removed. Furthermore, the base of the rear seats sits higher than theboot floor, so even with both rear seats folded, the items in the boot cannotslip forward and are safely contained, unlike in any other SUV. But for thosewishing to carry a long item back from their trip – whether it be a Mark Rothkofrom the Art Gallery or a newly discovered artefact from the latestarchaeological dig – a loading length of 2245mm and load capacity of 1930litres is accessed by electronically raising the boot floor to meet the seatbase, allowing the item to slide through effortlessly.


Knowing that theRolls-Royce customer expects to bespoke his or her Cullinan, a second rearconfiguration is offered. The Individual Seat configuration is for those whovalue the ultimate luxury an SUV can offer over practicality. The twoindividual rear seats are separated by a Fixed Rear Centre Consoleincorporating a drinks cabinet with Rolls-Royce whisky glasses and decanter,champagne flutes and refrigerator. The seats also move in a number of planes tooffer ultimate comfort whilst travelling in the rear.


One final feature bringsRolls-Royce’s ultimate level of luxury to this configuration of Cullinan, creatingthe first truly “three-box” SUV. Inspired by the age when one never travelledwith one’s luggage, a glass partition isolates the passenger cabin from the luggagecompartment, creating an inner ecosystem for the occupants. In addition toenhanced and class-leading silence within the cabin, a further benefit becomesclear in the hottest and coldest of environments. Thanks to the sealed cabincreated by the glass partition wall, the occupants can remain in the optimumtemperature even when the luggage compartment stands open.


Adventure awaits


Cullinan awakes at thetouch of the unlock button on the Bespoke key, or indeed by simply reaching outto its beautifully tactile stainless steel door handle. It lowers itself by40mm to make entry effortless as the iconic Rolls-Royce coach doors stand opento welcome driver and passengers to their adventure.


Having stepped directlyinto the cabin, thanks to the wide aperture of the doors and completely flatfloor, driver and passengers press the door closing button to seal themselveswithin the sanctuary of Cullinan’s cabin. Or one touch of the sensor on theexterior door handles will see the doors automatically close themselves fromoutside.


A touch of the start buttonthen elevates Cullinan 40mm to its standard, commanding ride height, placingits occupants in the perfect position from which to see the world as it drivesoff.


The driver instantlyrecognises Cullinan as a driver’s car thanks to its thicker, smaller steeringwheel. It’s heated, pliant rim hints at epic voyages which Cullinan is all tooeager to begin, whilst heated and ventilated seats mean passengers will beperfectly acclimatised. From their commanding position at the helm of Cullinan,all equipment and technology is clearly seen and reached by the driver.


All information is clearlycommunicated by the latest generation of digital instruments, with the displaysthemselves designed with clear and beautiful virtual needles, Rolls-Roycejewellery-like chaplets and clear lettering.


The central informationscreen is for the first time touch sensitive, allowing the driver to quicklyselect functions, map views and vehicle set-up whilst on the trail. This portalcan still be controlled from the iconic Spirit of Ecstasy controller which nestleson the central console with the ‘Off-Road’ button, Hill Descent Control buttonand Air Suspension height adjustment controls.


A host of othercutting-edge technology makes Rolls-Royce Cullinan the most technologicallyadvanced car of its type in the world. Further equipment includes: Night Visionand Vision Assist including daytime and night-time Wildlife & Pedestrianwarning; Alertness Assistant; a 4-Camera system with Panoramic View, all-roundvisibility and helicopter view; Active Cruise Control; Collision Warning;Cross-Traffic Warning, Lane Departure and Lane Change Warning; an industryleading 7x3 High-Resolution Head-Up Display, WiFi hotspot, and of course thelatest Navigation and Entertainment Systems.


For those not behind thewheel, the world’s most spectacular scenery is to be seen from a privilegedposition. Those in the rear sit higher than those in the front of the car onRolls-Royce’s Pavilion Seating, enjoying grandstand views of their surroundingsthanks to the large glazed area of Cullinan’s side windows and industry-leadingpanoramic glass roof. And if they wish to locate themselves or their latestfar-flung discovery, they can zero in on their location on the rear touchscreenmap.


Also, no photographicopportunity will be missed as all electronic devices can be charged via thefive USB ports around the cabin, whilst phones can be wirelessly charged in thefront of the cabin.


Arriving at their remotedestination, the occupants can descend without dirtying their trouser legs as bothfront and rear coach doors wrap low under the sill of Cullinan, ensuring thatall dirt remains on the outside of the door. A feature only Rolls-Royce wouldhave considered.


Authentic Rolls-Royce engineering – everywhere



“The proposition of thiscar is an engineering masterpiece, its off-road capability, whilst maintainingthe world-famous ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ of Rolls-Royce,” comments Müller-Ötvös.  “When we began engineeringthis car, these were the guiding principles.”


Key to the creation of theRolls-Royce Cullinan SUV was the Architecture of Luxury – Rolls-Royce’sproprietary all-aluminium architecture.


The Architecture of Luxury reallycomes into its own in creating Cullinan. The engineering team behind Cullinanadapted the Architecture of Luxury to the design template of a high-bodied carlaid down by Giles Taylor and his design team thanks to its innateadaptability.


It was designed andengineered from the ground up in such a way as to be scalable to the size andweight requirements of different future Rolls-Royce models, including thosewith different propulsion, traction and control systems, thus underpinning thelong-term future product roadmap.   


Cullinan uses this newarchitecture in a wholly different manner to deliver an iconic design andpresence, uncompromised comfort, space and usability, cutting edge technologyand the peerless on-road and off-road driving experience and capability.


The all-new aluminiumsub-structure delivers extraordinary car body stiffness for exceptional'best-in-class' functional performance on rough terrain whilst offering betterride comfort.


The ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ taken off-road



The integration of newtechnologies into the architecture was also key to ensuring the fundamentalquality of Cullinan as Effortless,Everywhere. The engineering team began by creating a drivetrain that wouldbring Rolls-Royce’s famous ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ off-road.


“The drivetrain system weengineered for Cullinan had one key job to do,” explains Caroline Krismer,Engineering Project Leader for Cullinan. “To bring the famed Rolls-Royce ‘MagicCarpet Ride’ to all other terrains possible, while ensuring class-leading on-roadbehaviour in the SUV sector.”

“我們?yōu)閯谒谷R斯庫里南打造的傳動(dòng)系統(tǒng)有一個(gè)最關(guān)鍵的任務(wù),”勞斯萊斯庫里南工程項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人卡羅萊·克里斯莫(Caroline Krismer)解釋道,“就是既要在全地形中創(chuàng)造出勞斯萊斯汽車標(biāo)志性的“魔毯般駕乘體驗(yàn)”,還要擁有SUV細(xì)分市場(chǎng)最領(lǐng)先的公路性能。”

Rolls-Royce’s celebratedMagic Carpet Ride impresses off-road as well as on-road thanks to the newlighter architecture, and the latest generation of self-levelling airsuspension. Through a thorough re-engineering of the existing air suspensionsystem – including adding larger air struts with more air volume to cushion theblows of the toughest of terrains – the strengthening of drive and prop shafts,the inclusion of drive to the front wheels as well as the back for the firsttime in Rolls-Royce history, and the complete reworking of the new 6.75 litretwin-turbo V12 Rolls-Royce engine to deliver just the right level of torque(850Nm) at the lowest possible revolutions (1,600rpm), the Rolls-Royceengineering team has ensured Cullinan will take owners to places no modernRolls-Royce owner has travelled in luxury before.


The suspension makesmillions of calculations every second as it continuously varies theelectronically controlled shock absorber adjustment system – reacting to bodyand wheel acceleration, steering inputs and camera information. A newdouble-wishbone front axle and 5-link rear axle deliver astounding levels ofcontrol over lateral roll and shear forces and deliver incredible agility andstability, as does the addition of four-wheel steering, all contributing toincredible drivability and nimbleness.


In the case of drivingoff-road, the electronically controlled shock absorber adjustment system usesan air compression system to actively push down any wheel it detects losingtraction to ensure every wheel is constantly in contact with the ground andmaximum torque is being provided to all wheels.


“Put simply, what makes thecar great on-road makes the car great off-road,” concludes Krismer.



The final piece of thepuzzle of ensuring that the Rolls-Royce Cullinan is Effortless, Everywhere is one single button. Known withinRolls-Royce as the ‘Everywhere’ button, one single push is all it takes toharness all the aforementioned peerless Rolls-Royce engineering and unleash allof Cullinan’s off-road capability.


Once engaged, the drivercan finesse the off-road setting to glide over any situation, whether it berough track, gravel, wet grass, mud, snow or sand delivering all 850Nm oftorque to all four wheels without interruption. And faced with deep snow, sandor the need to ford streams, Cullinan delivers the deepest wading depth of any super-luxurySUV at 540mm thanks to its highest ride height.


Designing a force of nature



“At this point in the historyof automotive design, SUVs have become homogenous and ubiquitous,” commentsGiles Taylor, Director of Design, Rolls-Royce Motor Cars. “The label SUV is nowapplied to anything with a two-box silhouette and the least suggestion of goingoff tarmac. We envisioned an authentic, three-box all-terrain high-bodied carwith a convention-challenging design and absolute capability that would satisfythe adventurous urges of our clients.”

“汽車設(shè)計(jì)演化至今,SUV同質(zhì)化和程式化已經(jīng)非常明顯,” 勞斯萊斯汽車有限公司設(shè)計(jì)總監(jiān)賈爾斯·泰勒說,“現(xiàn)在,任何一個(gè)能開下公路的兩廂車型,似乎就可以叫SUV。而我們要做一款純正的全地形高車身車型,它擁有突破傳統(tǒng)的設(shè)計(jì),并且能夠滿足客戶強(qiáng)烈的探險(xiǎn)欲望。”

Working with the Architectureof Luxury, Taylor and his team designed the car he knew would meet

expectations. Iconicdesign, proper Rolls-Royce proportions inside and out, and uncompromised levelsof luxury.


"One of the firstbenefits of the Architecture of Luxury to the design of Cullinan was theability to place the wheels and create a unique roofline silhouette that wouldgive Cullinan an immediate sense of Rolls-Royce pedigree,” comments Taylor. “Thisgave Cullinan the commanding stance of a warrior, immediately communicating itsstrength and power, whilst at the very same time allows effortless entry andexit from the rear cabin."


This strength and power areimmediately apparent from the face of Cullinan. Key features such as lights andair intakes are deep set into the bodywork, whilst strong vertical andhorizontal lines create a powerful visage, with the prominent brow of a Saxonwarrior created by the line that runs across the top of the pantheon grille and‘eyebrow’-like daytime running lights. This approach lends a toughness ofexpression to the front of Cullinan.


Thegrille is created from hand-polished stainless steel, but for Cullinan it is setslightly proud of the surrounding bodywork that pushes it up and forward. The Rolls-Royce badge andSpirit of Ecstasy ride significantly above the line of the wing, giving them aunique vantage point.


Away from the face ofCullinan the vertical lines that run from the A-pillars down along the raisedbonnet edge, down the side of the grille and into the metal skid plate belowemphasise the height of the car and its dominant character.


From the side, thepurposefulness of Cullinan is clear. There is an uncompromising sheerness ofthe typical Rolls-Royce long bonnet profile, with the bonnet itself seen to beset higher than the wings of the car to communicate greater toughness.


The line then rises quicklyon the A-pillar to resolve in an ultimate height for Cullinan of 1,836mm, aheight accentuated by the glass to metal ratio as seen from the side. From justover the B-pillar, the roofline becomes quite fast and drops away to the evenfaster rear glass which resolves in an elegantly protruding boot lid thatreminds one of the D-Back Rolls-Royces of the 1930’s, some of the last of themarque to still carry their owner’s luggage on a shelf outside the car.


Taylor’s famous rotatingline then takes the eye back towards the front of Cullinan as it shoots forwardthrough the 22-inch wheel hubs to give it a beautiful balance, whilst the depthof the side profile is optically broken up by a most authentic and honest pieceof metal, like a Saxon spear, that flies down the lower door surface and givesthe whole side of the car a beautiful sense of tension.


The rear view of Cullinancontinues the theme of functionality, with the design reduced to a functionalbaseline. Any jewellery is subdued. So for instance, the Rolls-Royce badgestands on its own smaller plinth separate and above a thin metal finisher overthe number plate housing. The design theme for the rear lights also remainssimple as two narrow upright units house all the lights and are minimallyadorned by thin narrow strips of jewellery at their centre. A final mark offunctionality are the exposed metal exhaust pipes and skid plate, bothreminding one of Cullinan’s power and ability.


Inside, the cabin of Cullinancombines authentic Rolls-Royce luxury with simple, symmetrical functionality toexpress the car’s inherent strength. Whether the fascia and centre stack of thedashboard or the arm rests on the doors, structural horizontal and verticalelements underpin the interior design.


The centre stack is framedby hand-finished metal pillars that bridge the upper fascia and middle console,giving it a sense of robustness, whilst also suspending the horizontal elementsof the fascia to give a more commanding feel.


The upper fascia is clad ina newly developed contemporary ‘Box Grain’ black leather – a durable and waterresistant boarded leather similar to that used in Italian high-end luggage andhandbag design. It gives the fascia a sense of width as it runs across itsupper segment, allowing the jewellery-like elements of clock and air vents tostand out beautifully. 


Finally, the seats inCullinan have a bold, confident character, showcasing Rolls-Royce quality andcraftsmanship. Designed to suit the more casual and dynamic quality ofCullinan, they feature a simple but modern horseshoe graphic which emphasisesthe supportive bolsters of the seat. These new seats also showcaseRolls-Royce’s mastery of leather craft as this entire backrest panel has beencrafted from a single piece of leather to pick out a highly three-dimensionalsurface.


All areas throughout theinterior that are now heated include the front door armrests, front centreconsole lid, lower C-Pillar, rear side armrests and rear centre armrest.


One life, many lifestyles

一生天地, 萬重境界


Driving to your remotelocation is simply the first part of the adventure in a Rolls-Royce Cullinan. Furtherenjoyment awaits in the shape of a Rolls-Royce Recreation Module.


Fly fishing, photography,rock climbing, snowboarding, parascending, kite boarding, base jumping, volcanoboarding or simply sitting and taking in the view, anything is possible thanksto the Rolls-Royce Bespoke Collective. Easily slotted and plugged into the bootof Cullinan, each Recreation Module contains a motorised drawer housing theequipment and paraphernalia specific to each Cullinan owner’s pursuits. Whenthe owner is ready to play, it presents itself.
